Tonight, why not make some intentional space to sit down on the couch or at the kitchen table with your kids and write a poem? Write a poem, you say?! I couldn’t do that. But you can! And here’s how. This downloadable (and free!) template has blanks with prompts (kind of sort of like a MadLib but not) to guide you through helping your child, or even yourself, think through where you are from. Don’t overthink it; just fill in the blanks. No one else is from exactly where you are from! Your perspective is unique. Your son’s or daughter’s perspective is unique. And itRead More →

The soft and somehow frantic sound came as I cut mounds of kale from my garden last Saturday. It was like knocking on wood but I couldn’t identify its source. I continued to cut and it wasn’t long until I found the sound. The unexpected blur of tiny furry bodies startled me in turn and I jumped back. When my own heart calmed, I saw two baby bunnies frightened out of their wits because I had slowly removed the shelter they had been born into. Two baby bunnies scrambled to find a place to hide in the now almost bare garden bed. I hadn’t hadRead More →

Does spending time with God in His Word, the Bible, have to be serious all the time? Jesus wants to be part of our everyday life. I don’t know about you but I laugh a lot in my everyday life. I’ve cried a lot too but tears make the laughter more joyful! We invite Jesus into the tears because we need His help and His comfort, right? What if we invited Jesus into the laughter? The Psalmist said this… You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. PsalmRead More →

I’m Tess Crawford. Welcome to my new blog! I am excited to encourage and inspire you as I share my adventures in Bible Journaling and Worship Art, in a soon to be announced new-to-me ministry, and maybe with a little bit of herb gardening thrown in. I was previously known as Ibumom on The Adventures of Ibumom. I’m still Ibumom but this is a whole new adventure! I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new ones! Let’s make this a conversation. It’s no fun to talk to myself! So talk back to me sometimes, okay? Now would be a great time toRead More →

  The writers of the Psalms did it all the time… they poured their hearts out to God in cries so loud that sometimes we imagine we can almost hear the confusion, frustration, and grief in their words. Sometimes I feel like their words could have come from my own tongue. But those Psalmists never camped out in those emotions. They poured them out and in the next breath they were aiming their heart’s eyes toward praise and thanks and its fruit – a better perspective. As is typical of a season of victory, or at least moving forward to victory, one day I was filled with joy at beingRead More →