Three years ago, I cried my eyes out at a scrapbook retreat. I was Skype-ing with Ron in Indonesia. Together – me in Hedgesville, Maryland and Ron in Sentani, Papua, Indonesia – we sifted through ten years of our family in one house. Just stuff but stuff representing memories. A whole house narrowed down into a small pile of what Ron could hand-carry in his luggage. Most heartbreaking for me was choosing which of my children’s special things would or would not make that small pile. We told ourselves that stuff can always be replaced. Over the next year, I saw my loving Heavenly Father,Read More →

One meal in the life of a missionary housewife in Sentani, Papua, Indonesia… Today I want to make lasagna for my family. I’ll make a salad, a loaf of Italian bread and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. My task list: 1. Early in the day: Sift the bugs out of the flour. Bugs really like flour in the tropics. Mix up the bread dough and let it rise. Dough rises very well on the counter in the hot tropics! Bake. 2. Make the lasagna noodles. Or if I’m feeling lazy I will just go buy macaroni at the grocery store and make “Lazy Lasagna”. I’mRead More →

“There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number–living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.” Psalm 104:25-28 For a missionary mom, one of the hardest things she ever has to do is to leave a child thousands and thousands of miles away. In March 2005, we left our oldest daughter and wentRead More →

With his permission I share this which my husband wrote. In doing so, I am showing you his heart. He does not write easily but yesterday the need to let these words out was strong and they came easily. I am so grateful to God that He set me on life’s journey with this man. The following is all his. Some months ago in my journey I found myself standing at a wall… again. The wall was tall and thick and wide. I couldn’t see any way around, over, or through the wall but I knew I had to move forward and couldn’t just standRead More →

The only reason the email wasn’t sent was because we were already in the air… Only hours and the vast expanse above the clouds made the difference… Our oblivious and exhausted family stepped off the airplane, back home in Indonesia after six whirlwind weeks in America for Rachel’s wedding. Two days later we found out we narrowly missed being told to just stay home. God was in charge. We were back for a reason. Suddenly what had previously made perfect sense was now confusingly, stressfully crooked. Life became really exciting as God made changes in our way of working in Indonesia. Over the next yearRead More →