With his permission I share this which my husband wrote. In doing so, I am showing you his heart. He does not write easily but yesterday the need to let these words out was strong and they came easily. I am so grateful to God that He set me on life’s journey with this man. The following is all his. Some months ago in my journey I found myself standing at a wall… again. The wall was tall and thick and wide. I couldn’t see any way around, over, or through the wall but I knew I had to move forward and couldn’t just standRead More →

The only reason the email wasn’t sent was because we were already in the air… Only hours and the vast expanse above the clouds made the difference… Our oblivious and exhausted family stepped off the airplane, back home in Indonesia after six whirlwind weeks in America for Rachel’s wedding. Two days later we found out we narrowly missed being told to just stay home. God was in charge. We were back for a reason. Suddenly what had previously made perfect sense was now confusingly, stressfully crooked. Life became really exciting as God made changes in our way of working in Indonesia. Over the next yearRead More →

Magnetic refrigerator fun… When our daughter Hannah’s jaw was wired shut eight months ago, Grandma bought her a whiteboard to help her communicate without pain to her jaw. She never used it. But when her wires came off she said, “Let’s put this whiteboard on the fridge. Our family could have some fun with this!” That very next morning we found proof that it was true. A refrigerator whiteboard could be lots of fun! Enter Whiteboard Billy. Talented Hannah created him right there on that whiteboard a couple of months ago and he keeps coming back. We almost never actually see the story changing asRead More →

“He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth.” Psalm 72:6 This past weekend we traveled three hours north to spend two and a half days with my extended family and to meet with three pastors from supporting churches. These were healing days. Adventure days. Grace-filled days. Friday’s Raindrops Pizza with my dad and step-mom at an old favorite local pizza shop S’mores around a campfire Sleeping in Grammy’s camper Saturdays Gentle Storm Breakfast with Pastor #1 – Listening, encouraging, sharing vision and a different perspective. My dad grew up in this church. My sweet mom, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents…Read More →

Hiding in, clinging to, learning to absolutely delight in God’s Word… I have found so much peace and comfort in this. One of the ways I have clung is to hand-write Scripture on pretty tags. After I made two sets of twenty-five tags for gifts I decided I needed one as well. Part of the joy was handwriting the verses! This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.” Psalm 119:50Read More →