I thought I knew all about God. Then God in His mercy took me on an adventure with Himself! He took me to Indonesia and showed me just how much I still had to learn. It was late in 2006. Our oldest daughter, our first baby was getting married in the coming summer. We needed an impossible $10,000 to fly our family home for her wedding. Days and weeks passed as we prayed and I cried many tears waiting on the Lord’s answer. God was very quiet. We were going to miss the wedding. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in ALL things GodRead More →

*My heart was caught as I re-read this excerpt from a January 2007 post from our Blessings and Burdens website which is now no longer in existence. I forgot how much I truly loved serving in Indonesia. It was difficult in many ways but so is life here in our home country. I am reminded today of these things which I forgot… …the wonderful savory scent of frying garlic and onions in the air. …the exotic feel of the deep green jungle at our doorstep. …the music of the birds and the river singing us to sleep and waking us in the morning. …the delicious,Read More →

Expectancy: noun 1. The act, action or state of expecting something. This is such an unsatisfying definition. I define expectancy as a kind of breathless anticipation of something to come. A sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat feeling because you know something special is on the horizon but you don’t know what it is… yet. For me, expectancy is spiritual. It is that wondering anticipation every single day because today I know that I will get to see God at work. I don’t know how but I know… because I know He is. It is practicing the presence of God. Sometimes the feeling is stronger than other times. God isRead More →

I confess. I’ve been rehearsing lies. No, not on purpose but I confess, it is true… One month ago this week the Woman to Woman Mentoring Ministry pilot project began in prayer over mentoring matches. From that day until this past weekend I have been fighting a spiritual battle. My first mistake was to hear lies. Why did I ever think in a million years that I could actually be used by God to be a mentor let alone coordinate an entire mentoring ministry?! I began to rehearse all of those reasons why I cannot be a mentor. There were a lot of them. TheRead More →

At least two months before the missions conference at our home church, I was asked to do the devotional at a ladies tea. I agreed to do it and knew what I wanted to share. That is, I thought I knew. But when I sat down to write it out it just wouldn’t come together. I cried and prayed and cried and prayed. Until the morning of the tea, when I was confident that I finally had on paper what God wanted me to say. As I waited for my turn to stand and speak, I read over what I had typed out. I suddenlyRead More →